2018 Chinese Horoscopes - Chinese Zodiac Sign of the Pig

Chinese Zodiac Sign PIG  born in  1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

2018 Chinese Horoscopes - Chinese Zodiac Sign of the Pig

Big plans are on your mind. Self-discipline means you’ll get organised and do the things you need to do. Take some time to plot out all the steps you want to take in 2018. Remember to be patient with yourself, and others when things don’t go according to plan. You’ll soon get back on track because you know that it takes determination to make things happen. When you have a sense that you’re moving ahead one step at a time, you’ll know that success is around the corner. Life would not be nearly as interesting if you didn’t encounter some trials and tribulations. You get a greater sense of satisfaction when a victory is hard-won. Stay in control of finances and keep a close eye on expenditure to help you feel that money is a source of joy. Be mindful of trying to win arguments with your other half, when it would be wiser to let them win because it’s far more important to them than it is to you. Choosing not to be right will work some magic.
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