Chinese Zodiac RABBIT 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Do you want to be more charismatic? During this Dog year, you’ll find yourself in situations where others are drawn towards you, without you having to do anything different. When you’re naturally alluring, you’ll find new admirers vying for your attention. If you’re an unattached Rabbit make the most of these flirtatious moments. Paired-off Rabbits, you might find that your beloved will want to shower you with more affection if you’re being noticed by strangers. In business and career, it works to your advantage if you’re attracting the sort of people who can help you grow professionally. Dog years usually bring opportunities for Rabbits to enhance your reputation or to see improvements in your financial situation. When luck is on your side, you still want to keep doing those things you normally do to keep moving forwards.
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