2019 Chinese Horoscopes for the Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs

By Ting-Foon Chik,
Chinese Astrologer and Feng Shui Master

2019 is the year of the Pig in Chinese Astrology. Each of the Chinese Zodiac animals takes its turn to rule for a year in a cycle of twelve years. 2007 was the previous Pig year. Not all the Pig years are the same type of Pig. 2019 is an Earth Pig. The five elements Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire accompany the Pig. This means five different types of Pig year: Earth Pig, Metal Pig, Water Pig, Wood Pig and Fire Pig. The previous Earth Pig ruled 1959, sixty years ago. A sixtieth birthday celebration is considered rather special for Chinese people because they have walked a full cycle of the sixty combinations of elements with animal signs.

Are you celebrating a sixtieth birthday this year? Your own or a special birthday party for a loved one?

When it comes to celebrations, Chinese New Year is fantastic!  Chinese New Year celebrations start on the night before the new moon on 5th February 2019. All over the world, Chinese people will be celebrating the start of the lunar Year of the Pig. Did you know that the Chinese calendar has a solar new year as well as a lunar new year? The Solar Year of the Pig starts on February 4th. In 2019 the solar new year and the lunar Year are practically at the same time!

Astrologers and Feng Shui Masters use the Solar New Year on February 4th to note the change of luck. A New Year brings new luck.

How will the year of the Earth Pig, 2019, be lucky for you? Chinese Horoscopes are popular around each new year.

Find your Chinese Zodiac Year Animal sign and check out your year ahead!
To find your Chinese animal zodiac sign, look for your year of birth in the table below. Traceback along the row to the left-hand column to see the animal sign. If you were born between the 1st of January and the 4th of February look up the previous calendar year. The Chinese solar new year usually starts on the 4th of February. The horoscopes for each of the Chinese astrological signs are based on the birth years in this table.


Get the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

RAT      1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Who is a true friend and who is not? Watch out for those who are being over-friendly because behind their smiles they might be thinking about how to get something. You would rather be straightforward, remember others could have a cunning plot. Be careful of who you trust without letting them get any idea that you have suspicions about their motives. Think about life’s good times when you take a moment to reflect. Whatever is going on, count your blessings. Spread around some of your feelgood vibrations with those who need some of your smart advice. Charitable deeds improve your luck. When it comes to love and romance, it’s good to talk and it’s even better to do keep your word. Be prepared to fight for your goals in your work life, victory is sweeter after overcoming challenges. When it comes to money matters, choosing not to spend to impress others is a smart approach to getting richer.

Red, orange or pink are your lucky colours this year.

Want more on Chinese Astrology? Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

OX  1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
What you want to do, who you want to do it with, and when are you going to do it? These are big questions you’re asking yourself. Are you going to chase after success in your career? Do you want to carve out more time for relaxation? The Pig year bodes well for financial opportunities and you want to manage your money. Can money buy happiness? Some things which enrich your life without you reaching for your wallet.  Take a view of professional and personal plans and how you want to balance the different areas of your life. Planning your time and your finances give you a feeling of control over your own destiny. At the same time, be good-humoured if things don’t go according to plan. If your love interest has different ideas to you, is it an opportunity to learn something new? June is a fortunate time for romance.

Lucky Colours for you this year include red and purple.

Curious? Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

TIGER    1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Pig years usually bring helpful people to you. It works to your advantage if you’re attracting influential people who can help you progress your studies, career or business. You’ll feel especially fortunate when others are drawn towards you, without you having to do anything different. Your Tiger personality enjoys being yourself and you know who your fans are and who are your critics. You want to keep doing those things you normally do to keep moving forward. In love and romance, you’re naturally alluring, you’ll find new admirers vying for your attention. Make the most of being adored by your other half. Exercising self-discipline when it comes to finances will prove to be deeply satisfying.

Gold, silver and white are your lucky colours this year.

Want to know more? Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

RABBIT     1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
The Pig ruling the year brings you friends and followers. Are people you want to reconnect with? Do you want to make some new connections? The energies of the Pig remind you of the value of true friendship. Keep an eye on those who might be faking affection. Lessons in life are sometimes learnt after the event. Optimistic company brings out the best in your Rabbit personality. Choose to surround yourself with inspiring people who see the best in you. When it comes to money matters, take some time to weigh up your options. Do not be in a hurry to hand over your cash. Slow down when you feel rushed. In love and relationships be open to receiving and express your gratitude. The little things in life often bring the most joy.

Pink and silver or red and gold are fortunate colour combinations this year.

Get more about your fate and fortune. Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart. 

DRAGON 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Your inner world is full of resources. Give yourself time to discover more about your brilliant mind. Tap into the power of your unconscious mind and explore your thoughts and philosophies about life. How can you apply your thinking for your career? Are you satisfied with your work or are you going to rethink your career? A small shift in your approach to romantic relationships leads to greater joy. Do you want to be more sentimental? Talking about your feelings, both positive and negative builds a deeper more satisfying connection. If you’re an unattached Dragon, prepare for romance. Dress to impress and put on a big smile. In matters of the heart, speaking sooner rather than later will make life easier. Seek out the best deal when it comes to making a major purchase. You’re going to preserve until you find something just right!

Gold, silver and white with a touch of crimson are lucky colours for you this year.

What else is ahead? Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

SNAKE 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
When the Pig rules the year, do not be surprised when life is disrupted by changes. Is change comfortable? Choose to see making changes as exciting. Do you have plans to move house? Or change jobs? Is it time for you take stock of your career? Be prepared to be patient when you experience some ups and downs. Resist the temptation to compare your life with what’s happening to others. More often, than not, you don’t get to see their emotional upheavals. In those moments when you feel a little baffled by the course of events, remember that things will work out in the end. In matters of the heart, choose your words carefully before speaking them. Misunderstandings can be overcome or even avoided if you slow down when it comes to communications.

Green, jade or turquoise are your lucky colours this year.

Get more about Chinese Astrology. Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

HORSE  1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
When it comes to dealing with those in authority, use some of your Horse charms when others are being insistent, and persuade them gently. Be aware of how those in positions of power see things. You can navigate through tricky situations. Be prepared to go back and forth a few times to negotiate a deal which is win-win. The first few months of the year are the time for you to get started on new ventures. Organise your time with your beloved. It might seem to be a little complicated because you have a busy schedule. Being comfortable in your own company and enjoying yourself will mean you have a lot to talk about when you’re together.
Spending on health and well-being is a worthwhile investment. Quick fixes might still take time, so do your research to get value for money. Spend wisely.

Lucky Colours are green and sky blue.

Want to find out more about your luck? Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

GOAT    1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Reach out to others and keep up to date with what’s going on. The Pig year brings new opportunities for you for business and career. A casual conversation could open your eyes to something new. Listening comes naturally to your Goat personality. You quickly gain insights into how those around you are seeing the same situation. Because you can see things a little differently, you spot hidden opportunities. Are there others you can involve to get a new project off the ground? In relationships, are you enjoying the time you spend together? If you’re seeking new love in 2018, the later months in the year are promising, in the meantime, you can enjoy flirting and having fun. Be careful with your money so you have something in the bank for unexpected expenses.

White and light grey are positive colours to have around you.
Lucky you? Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

MONKEY  1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Are you full of creative ideas? Taking your ideas and following through brings you a sense of accomplishment. Be practical in your thinking. What can you do to get something to work? You might over-think about situations and the people involved. Keep it simple. You can make things happen and you can get the others behind you. Be open to the alternative idea, without letting go of your point of view. Sometimes, it’s how convincing you are that makes the difference. For money matters, spend on those things which are going to save time and make life easier. Making a donation to charity will remind you of how fortunate you are. When it comes to your love life, plan a trip to inspiring new places. Sharing new experiences together strengthens the bonds in your relationship.

Burgundy or rich red shades are lucky colours for you this year.

Love Chinese Astrology? Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

ROOSTER 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Your Rooster personality likes to be organised and do the things you need to do. Tick the box for self-discipline when you have a lot of plans. Take some time to plot out all the steps you want to take in 2019. Be patient with yourself, and others when things don’t go according to plan. You’ll soon get back on track because you're determined to make things happen. When you have a sense that you’re moving ahead one step at a time, you’ll get a sense that success is around the corner. Life is far more interesting because you encounter some trials and tribulations. You get a greater sense of satisfaction when a victory is hard-won. Stay in control of finances and keep a close eye on expenditure to help you feel that money is a source of joy. Purposefully choose not to win arguments with your other half. Choosing not to be right will work some magic.

Bring in some bright pink tones or strong oranges for feeling lucky in 2019.

What's in the stars for you? Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

DOG  1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
How was your own year, Dog year, in 2018? Did you get what you want? Introspection gives you some insights into how you truly feel about events. Reflect on the good things that have happened. Learn from those experiences where things did not go as well as you expected. You would gain from understanding the lessons learnt from how well something turned out, or how you can do better next time. A new year is a good time to let go of those things which no longer suit you.  Looking ahead, what do you want for you in the year of the Pig? Do you want to try a new hobby? For career advancement could you hone your skills or learn something new? In relationships, are you enjoying the time you spend together? If you’re seeking new love in 2019, the earlier months of the year could prove to be full of romantic opportunities. In money matters, if you look after the small amounts, you’ll find it easy to look after the big amounts.

Blue and red are great colours to keep around you this year.

Want to know more about Chinese Astrology? Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

PIG      1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
2019 is your year, Pig year. Some astrologers say that encountering your own sign is not welcomed. Meeting your own sign is a time for you reflect on who you are and how you want to be. Get to know yourself a little better and to be more loving to all the different parts of your Pig personality. Tricky characters and challenging situations bring some valuable lessons. You can take it in your stride. Be open to making new discoveries about yourself, and others. What seems challenging, in the beginning, could turn out to be an opportunity for you to unearth new talent. In your romantic life, remember to cherish the simple moments of good companionship. When it comes to making financial decisions, take time to compare all the options open to you. Examine the small print and make sure you know the finer details. Make your own year, a year worth enjoying.

Learn more about Chinese Astrology and your life! 
Download the Chinese Destiny Stars Astrology App from www.fengshuiapps.com to find out your month animal, day animal and hour animal in your Four Pillars of Destiny Chart.

Green and pink or green and red are lucky colour combinations for you this year.
